I watched Heidi and Joesph embrace, their mouths were finding each other’s in passionate abandonment of their desires.
The other two nude women were waiting now by the altar for what I could only assume would be the next chapter in the ceremony.
The healer also moved to the altar and called Joseph to lead the way over to where he stood. The picture now looked almost like a traditional marriage, with Joseph and Heidi facing each other, the two girls on either side and the healer in front with his back to the altar. The lack of clothing created a beautiful erotic element to the scene, and I took in the image of the power of the energy that was building in the space.
He smudged both of the individuals as they stood holding hands, facing each other. Prayers and blessings were pouring from his mouth as he filled the space with the thick smoke of the sage and aromatic smudge.
Both Joseph and Heidi were free of any clothing, and as they stood facing each other, my mind again started to imagine them embracing sexual intimacy. Little did I realize how close I was to witnessing that very act in this natural, ceremonial setting.
The dim lighting and flames from the fire and candles continued to cast an erotic spell on the two main characters in the drama unfolding before us, and the two beautiful nude assistants added the element of the felt sense of community in this growing sexual tension.
The healer then invited me to the group, asking me to face him with Heidi and Joseph between us. Now, we were a huddle of four people, all unclothed except for the healer. He indicated to Heidi that this was her sacred rite of passage. He incanted some strange words in another language and then motioned for Heidi to make her choice known.
In what I could again assume was a rehearsed ritual, Heidi bent down, kneeling before Joseph and then, by simply turning, was facing my caged manhood. She leaned over and, with the most tender of motions, kissed my caged penis, looking up into my eyes, and again in a voice barely audible, said, “Thank you, Andre. When you first brought up the idea of this, this cuckold desire you had, I didn’t want to believe you. I also now see how this is not just what you want but what I also desire. Your love means the world to me, and I want to explore with Joseph so many things that I can’t imagine doing with you. Thank you.”
She then turned, facing Joseph, and the stark contrast was made clear. She took his semi-flaccid cock in her right hand, still holding my caged penis, with the shaft essentially hidden under the cage.
At that moment, the reality of the physical difference, symbolising the future of her sexual desire, was clear. Her right hand barely held half of his length, and her fingers barely touched each other as she wrapped them around his girth. Her left hand covered fully my now retreating member as if it was retreating into the safety of my body.
The two girls moved to my side, as on cue. Taking the key that Heidi slipped off of her neck as if to further reinforce the reality of what Heidi was given to choose between, they kneeled down and inserted the key in the cage, slowly, deliberately, and carefully removing the bondage contraption that was holding it secure.
I looked down, and due to my cock having been restrained for the last nearly hour, it resembled a small, timid turtle, afraid to move out too quickly. Heidi now gently caressed the nub as her other hand continued to slowly encourage Joseph’s now growing erection.
Due to the previous ejaculation I had experienced, added to the stark contrast I was being subjected to, my penis had no ambition to find any sense of competition or try to rise out of its shrunken state. Rather, it continued to retreat into itself.
The healer then asked Heidi, clearly and decisively, “Are you ready to make your choice?”
Quietly, with no words spoken, she removed her left hand from my cock, and placed both hands on Joseph, taking his now fully erect penis and began to kiss it, slowly enjoying his hardness on her lips, her tongue, and looking up into his eyes as she masterfully brought him pleasure. In these wordless gestures, she indicated her choice.
The shamanic orchestrator of the ceremony continued in his speech. “Heidi, behold the richness of your future. Here, in Andrea, you have the symbol of servitude and devotion.
Andre, his willingness to be your support and loving companion,” he indicated towards my midsection. “And here,” his finger pointed at Joseph, “you have the virility and powerful strength of penetrating power and sexual dominance.”
He continued: “Great spirits of love and passion, consecrate this union, these individuals, and this unity of love.”
I stepped back a few feet, wanting to be away from the growing energy that was taking place mere inches from my body.
The girls moved back to both sides of my body and, kneeling down again, quickly and without fanfare, replaced the cage back onto my soft penis. It felt like a sense of safety again as my psyche drove me into a deep sense of love and servitude towards Heidi.
Watching her, sensing her desire for Joseph’s body and feeling her deep devotion to me in the midst of her lust for him.
None of it made sense, yet everything was so perfect.
The healer then motioned for Heidi to move towards the steps of the altar again, and she, followed by Joseph, made their way up onto the altar as Meghan and Sarah placed a red silk-covered blanket onto the cold stone.
Heidi laid down on her back as Joseph knelt before her, on his knees between her spread legs. His penis, standing at full attention, was glowing in the light of the fire against the darkness of the trees in the background. A CUCKOLD CEREMONIAL WEDDING 2
He slowly lowered himself over top of Heidi, and Sarah and Meghan found their way again to either side of the altar.
Lying down slowly on top of her, my mind began to turn in a thousand twists. Jealousy, surprisingly rising like a monster, together with the most overwhelming sense of love and lust for this woman. His cock was now resting on her tummy, and seeing its length as he leaned down to kiss her lips, realizing how deep in her body he could be, sent shivers through my psyche.
“Andre,” her voice pierced the charged atmosphere. “I want you to place him inside of me.”
Head was now looking into my eyes and directing me with finality and respect.
I moved towards the table, standing beside Meghan and reached over, grabbing Joseph while looking into Heidi’s eyes. Slowly, deliberately I placed the tip of his iron-hard cock at the warm, wet entrance of Heidi’s pussy. A CUCKOLD CEREMONIAL WEDDING 2
As I removed my hand, Joseph slowly slid his body forward. Heidi’s gaze shifted from my eyes to his as her body began to involuntarily move from the arousal she was feeling as he entered her.
After what seemed to take an eternity, he continued to press forward until his body was one with hers, and there was no longer any space between them. Her mouth, now semi-open, involuntarily let out a distinct “Ahhh….”
I could see that the look on Heidi’s face was one of pure abandonment as she fully embraced the moment.
No longer aware of me, the others in the ceremony, or the fact that she was lying on her back on a stone altar outdoors, her face took on an angelic calmness combined with raw animal desire.
Joseph slowly began to move, increasing his motion as he felt her hands on his back pulling him in towards her. I could see her hands gripping his back in a way I knew all too well, no longer aware that she was near to penetrating his skin with her nails, and both of them no longer consciously aware of the circle of support that had been created.
The mood around the altar shifted to a deep sense of lust and sexual hunger. I could see Meghan and Sarah, both inches from Heidi, as they were lost in the passion, all of us feeling the vicarious love and sensations of what was unfolding before us. A CUCKOLD CEREMONIAL WEDDING 2
The healer stood, also moved by the sight, and nodded in appreciation and awe of what was transpiring before him. His smudge bowl was no longer visible.
I could hear Joseph whisper, “Move with me, my lover,” as he drove himself deep inside her body. She responded, continuing to rise to meet his thrusts.
As the motion grew faster, the girls both reached over and stroked Heidi’s face out of support and in continued empathy for her bliss. Their movement became more primal, intense and without any inhibitions.
Joseph, now lost in the claiming of this powerful woman, took her body and easily turned her over and from behind, sliding his cock inside her, glistening from the wetness and reflecting the dancing rays of light from the fire.
The picture of her on all fours, slowly dropping to where her face was deep in the red silk padding, and him consuming her was driving my cuckold angst to a level I had never before experienced. My penis now strained against its containing cage as it sought to find an erection. A CUCKOLD CEREMONIAL WEDDING 2
Heidi was reaching a peak, and I could sense it as I knew her signs all too well. As she erupted, Joseph slowed down and began to press deeply, slowly, driving her orgasm to levels I had never witnessed. Her whole body shook as she collapsed onto the altar.
Joseph slowly withdrew and, again, turned her back over with his strong hands and arms. Slowly re-entering her now dripping pussy with his powerful erection, he continued to keep Heidi in a heightened state of bliss for what felt like an eternity.
His pace began to pick up again, and just as Heidi was about to orgasm for the second time, he pressed into her with all his might, and I could sense he was about to come as well. In a mind-bending moment of ultimate voyeurism, they both flew through the stars in their climax together and time and motion all ceased.
After a few minutes of their bodies melding into one, Joseph began to move back and forth, coaxing the last ounces of pleasure from the heights they had just climbed.
From what I had just witnessed, I expected the ceremony to find a natural conclusion, and we would all find our way home. Heidi, Joseph, and the others had planned another aspect of this night that I would later reflect on with mixed emotions and confusing memories.
Joseph, now emboldened and finding a new sense of confidence I had previously not encountered, turned to me and told me to come to the table. He slowly pulled away from Heidi, and stepping off the altar, he made room for me to mount the steps. Andrea leaned up, looking at me over her naked body, motioned to her now red and puffy pussy, and simply said, “I want you to care for me.”
My mind was a blur, trying to make sense of everything that had transpired and working through so many fantasies that I had played out in my head. Now, here I was being asked to perform this sacred act that had only been discussed as “what ifs?” not this stark reality of what lay before me.
I obediently kneeled down and my mind entered what I can only describe as complete subspace.
Surrendering to this moment, to this woman, to my love, as I slowly enveloped her womanhood in my mouth and tasted so many familiar flavours and smelled so many familiar scents, yet overpowered by another presence of masculine strength and an overwhelming sense of Joseph’s presence.
After feeling her pussy starting to respond to my tongue, she reached down and pulled my face away from her body, whispering another thank you as I leaned back and stared deep into her eyes. Involuntarily, I mouthed the words back to her, “I love you.”
Joseph moved towards the table again, indicating that I was to give him the space back, and he mounted the table again, this time laying directly on top of Heidi, and began to kiss her. Their movements were fluid, smooth, and erotically charged.
Joseph, in the minutes I was tending to Heidi’s needed care, had recovered his erection, and he entered her as she pulled him in, her body now fully able to receive his large cock inside of her.
Her moans now seemed to lose all inhibition; together, they moved like water. Wave after wave, crashing into blissful moans and kissing each other’s lips and bodies.
He held her tightly, and together, they rolled over; she was now sitting on top of his muscular body, shining in the candlelight and flickering fire. Her breasts rose and fell with the motion of their lovemaking, and his hands, now firmly grasping her behind, pulled her in each time she would lower herself onto him.
The circle of support was now surrounding the table, and instinctively, Sarah reached her hand out to hold mine. I reached out to Meghan, and the connection continued around the circle until the four of us held hands, witnessing this union of love in front of us.
Heidi’s body tensed up, and as she stared deep into Joseph’s eyes, she searched for the indication of his own climax. As she saw he was also ready, she cried, “Come with me!” And together, they again crashed into orgasmic bliss.
I recall some closing words from the healer as everything slowly descended in the heightened erotic energy that had taken over the space, and the ride back to our respective homes was a complete blur in my memory.
I recall sitting in the back seat, the girls up front, and Sara driving, with Heidi sitting between Joseph and me. The conversation was minimal as we were all lost in the bliss that consumed us.
This adventure had only started, and as I felt a squeeze on my hand from my love, my heart was full of gratitude for life, love, Heidi and this amazing world that had so much to explore.
Introduction to Cuckold Ceremonial Weddings
The cuckold ceremonial wedding represents a unique and intricate form of union that deviates from traditional matrimonial customs. This practice involves a husband allowing his wife to engage with other partners, all while being present and acknowledging the relationship dynamics at play. Understanding this ceremonial aspect entails delving into its cultural significance, motivations, and various forms it may take.
Cultural and Historical Context
Historically, cuckoldry has held varying meanings across different cultures, often intriguing sociologists and anthropologists. In some societies, cuckold ceremonial weddings are seen as a celebration of trust and open relationships. This setting promotes a level of communication among couples that is often uncharacteristic in conventional marriages. Such weddings may draw inspiration from ancient rituals and contemporary practices that embrace the complexities of human relationships.
Key Components of the Ceremony
A typical cuckold ceremonial wedding may involve a number of unique elements designed to emphasize the trust and bond between partners. These may include symbolic acts that highlight the couple’s commitment to each other, even in the presence of outside relationships. Common practices might involve public affirmations of love, as well as rituals that celebrate the couple’s shared values and openness. The ceremony often serves as a powerful reminder of the strength found in vulnerability and acceptance.