My Wife the Honeymoon 1

 My Wife the Honeymoon


“You’re too quiet over there, honey. You’ve got that look in your eye—planning our honeymoon, I bet.” Bev’s voice purred over the phone, a mischievous lilt to her tone. I could picture her petite frame, her brunette hair tumbling over her shoulders as she grinned at me, that spark of mischief in her eyes.

“Something like that. Just thinking about having you all to myself for a whole week. It’s been too long, Bev.” I ran a hand through my hair, leaning back in my chair. I’d been poring over honeymoon destinations, trying to find the perfect spot for our post-wedding getaway. We’d kept our upcoming nuptials simple, opting for a small, intimate ceremony with just our families. Now, all I wanted was some time alone with my new bride.

“Oh, don’t worry, I have a feeling this honeymoon will be anything but quiet.” Her voice dropped to a whisper, and I could hear the smile in it. “I’ve got a few ideas up my sleeve to make sure of that.” I laughed, a deep rumble in my chest. “Is that so? Care to give me a preview?” Her soft laughter filled the line, and I imagined her biting her lip, that playful glint in her eye.


My Wife the Honeymoon
My Wife the Honeymoon

“You’ll just have to wait and see. But I promise, it’ll be a week we’ll never forget.” The anticipation was killing me, but I loved that she was full of surprises. Bev had always been the adventurous one, pushing me to try new things, and I knew our honeymoon would be no exception.

The weeks leading up to the wedding were a blur of last-minute preparations and frantic phone calls. Bev’s parents had generously offered to pay for our honeymoon, and we’d settled on the Canary Islands as our dream destination. Sunny skies, pristine beaches, and secluded coves—it was the perfect place to start our married life together. The day of our wedding arrived in a whirlwind of nerves and excitement.

I stood at the altar, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched Bev walk down the aisle. She looked radiant, her eyes sparkling with happiness. Her simple white dress hugged her curves in all the right places, and I felt a surge of pride and desire as she joined me at the altar. The ceremony was a blur of vows and rings, and before I knew it, we were pronounced husband and wife. I leaned in to kiss my bride, the applause of our families ringing in my ears. Bev’s lips were soft and warm, and I felt her smile against mine. We were finally married, and the adventure was just beginning.

The reception was a joyous affair, with music and dancing late into the night. Bev and I stole glances at each other across the room, our secret smiles conveying the excitement that bubbled within us. We couldn’t wait to escape and begin our honeymoon. As the night drew to a close, we bid our families farewell and slipped away to our waiting car. The drive to the airport felt like an eternity, the anticipation building with every mile.

We held hands in the back seat, our fingers entwined, electric with anticipation. “I can’t wait any longer,” Bev whispered, her breath warm on my neck. “Tell me what you’ve got planned for our honeymoon. I need something to tide me over until we get there.” I smiled, reaching into my pocket to pull out a small, silk blindfold. “I thought we could start the honeymoon right here. A little game of trust and anticipation.” Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and desire.

“Oh, I like the sound of that. You always come up with the best ideas.” She leaned in, her lips brushing my ear.

“But I have a feeling this week will be all about your ideas, and I can’t wait to explore every one of them.” I tied the blindfold gently over her eyes, my fingers brushing her soft hair. “Trust me, you’ll love this. Just sit back and let your senses take over.” The car hummed along the road, the gentle rhythm lulling us as I reached over, taking her hand and placing it on my thigh. Her fingers traced the outline of my leg, a soft moan escaping her lips.

The blindfold heightened her senses, and I could see the pleasure on her face as she focused on every touch and sound. I guided her hand higher, her fingers brushing against the growing bulge in my pants. She gasped, a soft giggle escaping her lips. “Mmm, I see you’re already getting into the spirit of things. I can’t wait to explore that further.” The car pulled up to the airport, but we lingered a moment longer, caught up in our intimate game. Finally, I helped her remove the blindfold, our eyes locking as the anticipation hung heavy between us. “That was just a taste,” I whispered, my thumb brushing her lower lip.

My Wife the Honeymoon
My Wife the Honeymoon

“We have a whole week ahead of us to indulge in all sorts of pleasures.” Bev’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she took my hand, leading me into the airport. “Let’s make it a week we’ll never forget.” The airport buzzed with travelers, the hum of conversation and the rush of footsteps filling the air. We wove our way through the crowds, our hands clasped tightly, a secret world existing just between us. Bev’s eyes lit up at every new sight, her excitement infectious.

We stopped to share a kiss beneath the departure boards, the noise of the airport fading into the background as we lost ourselves in each other. As we boarded the plane, the reality of our situation sank in. We were truly on our own now, embarking on a journey that would shape the rest of our lives together. I felt a surge of protectiveness and love for my new wife, and I knew that whatever lay ahead, we would face it together. The flight passed in a blur of anticipation and exhaustion.

We held hands across the aisle, stealing glances at each other as we made plans for our first days as a married couple.

Finally, we landed, the warm breeze of the Canary Islands greeting us as we stepped off the plane. The sun shone brightly, a welcome change from the dreary weather we’d left behind. “I feel like we’ve entered a tropical paradise.” Bev breathed in the salty air, her eyes closed in delight. “It’s the perfect place to start our new life together.”

I slipped my arm around her waist, pulling her close. “It certainly is. Now, let’s get to the hotel and really begin our honeymoon.” The taxi ride to the hotel was a blur of colorful streets and vibrant markets. The lively atmosphere matched our own excitement, and we couldn’t stop grinning at each other. As we pulled up to the hotel, a luxurious oasis amidst the bustling city, I felt a rush of satisfaction.


This was it—the beginning of our married life, and I intended to make it unforgettable. Our suite exceeded all expectations, with a private balcony overlooking the sparkling pool and the ocean beyond. “It’s perfect,” Bev breathed, her eyes taking in the luxurious surroundings. “I can’t believe this is all for us.” I wrapped my arms around

her waist from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder. “It’s just the beginning. We have the whole week to explore this place and make memories.” Bev turned in my arms, her eyes shining with happiness. “I can’t wait to explore everything this place has to offer. And I have a few surprises of my own planned, just you wait.” That night, we dined on the balcony under the stars, the soft glow of candlelight creating an intimate atmosphere. We fed each other morsels of food, our legs entwined beneath the table. The clinking of cutlery and the murmur of conversation from the restaurant below created a soothing backdrop to our private moment.

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hot milf wife let cuckold husband watch while she fuck another man

“To our honeymoon and the many adventures to come.” Bev raised her glass of champagne, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “To new beginnings and the life we’ll build together.” I clinked my glass against hers, a soft ping ringing out. We drank, the bubbles tickling our noses, and I felt a warm buzz settle in my chest. This was it—the start of forever, and I couldn’t wait to see what the future held. Later, as we lay entwined in each other’s arms, the moon casting a soft glow over the room, Bev whispered, “I have a feeling this week will change us forever.”

I kissed her temple, my heart full. “It already has. We’re husband and wife now, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.” Little did I know, that future would be filled with more excitement, pleasure, and surprises than I could have ever imagined. Bev, my dream wife, would ensure that our lives together were anything but ordinary.

To be continued… The first chapter of “My Wife, the Slut” sets the stage for a suspenseful and sensual honeymoon, hinting at the adventures and surprises that await the newlywed couple. The story is told from the husband’s point of view, drawing the reader into his world of anticipation, desire, and love for his new bride. The setting of the Canary Islands adds a touch of exoticism, creating the perfect backdrop for the couple’s intimate moments and the revelations that are yet to come.

My Wife the Honeymoon
My Wife the Honeymoon